Classic Pond Yachts
'Plane Jane' a 36R class designed by F G Draper

I kept looking at this model at Beale Park, after two trips I could not resist it, a sort of fireball sailing dinghy hull, with a Flying 15 sort of keel, looks like she should sail well, my son pinched this one straight away to restore, should be sailing at Gosport next year. Pictures below.

A mad model, but will be fantastic when restored, I think the plan is for a carbon racing rig to do some 36 racing!, keep the vane steering, I have a spare Vane that should work, keep the wooden mast, with some vintage sails for display and VMYG events. I will pester my son to keep taking pictures, well ill try !!!
04 Nov 21 - It has started !! Paint stripping under way, showing some nice mahogany timber. Got a telling off, 36 rules do not allow carbon masts, so racing rig will be alloy !!!

More work being done on stripping topside paint.

She is now ready for the hull to be sealed with epoxy, she is rather fragile in places, the keel and rudder skeg. Then some work to do on the bow, the angled bow is made from car body filler.

Here is the bow, work to do, also below the transom needs some work. This boat is being restored by my Son, he runs the family Yacht Maintenance company, so she will look great!! Hoping she will be sailing at the August Bank holiday Monday VMYG day at Gosport, August 29th.

17th August 22 - - - My son making progress with V 36 Plane Jane, pictures of the new jobs below,

One problem she did have was the keel to hull structure was very flexible, the deck hatches have no use on the boat, the plan was to fill them. so the keel needed beefing up while we had access, here a template has been made.

A new timber frame has been cut out and fitted.

And glued into place to spread the keel load out to the hull structure. Interestingly when you look on the drawing above there should have been some structure fitted, either it never was, or it broke??

The deck hatch cutouts had been poorly done, my son cut out some ply frames to fit under the deck to take the new deck panels, here they are ready to fit.

Here the deck frames have been epoxied in place and clamped.

And the new deck pieces cut out ready to glue in place, sorry no pictures but they were glued in, filled and faired ready to paint.

Pictures taken last weekend below, she is going to look really nice.

Chief helper, he has helped with sanding etc on a few models, he is now telling me he is a 'Boat builder' start them early !

Hopefully she will be sailing at Gosport this year, we may try a V36 race, we won't win! but it will be good to get her going again, racing as she was originally designed. More to follow.